Thursday, November 10, 2005


After 3 days of being given the run-around by a demented bunny, I can finally announce that said animal is now in custody. Whether or not I can hold the rabbit for a period of 90 days without charging it is dependant on how much the food costs. I tried laying a trail of food into the hutch and retired to the living room to peep out from the blinds. All I saw was a rabbit, a magpie and several blackbirds enjoying eating the food outside the hutch, none of them even considered going inside. Besides, what the hell would I do with an irate magpie in the hutch?

Previous to that I'd tried sidling up to it as it scoffed the free offerings and trying to grab it, with and without a fishing net. Holding on to smoke would probably have been easier and more productive. Today however, I had an idea, no, seriously, I did and it worked. It worked easily, it worked without pain and distress, (even the rabbit was cool), and why the hell did it take me 3 days to come up with such a simple plan? I have, for reasons best known to a neighbour, 2 large and unwanted gates, (heavy is an adjective I could have thrown in as well). I put one of them across the gap between the front of my shed and the side fence of the garden. Diane and I drove the rabbit into the gap by walking towards it, when the fugitive bolted into the gap I closed it's entrance with the plastic top of a garden table, the gap - not the rabbit! Bob's your uncle, rabbit trapped like a, err, rabbit in a trap. It only remained for me to catch the little devil in the fishing net and carry it to the hutch, deposit it inside and close the door.

So there we are. The, as yet un-named rabbit is in the hutch and hopefully enjoying it's first dry and warm night for some time. Future plans include a pen built onto the shed so that it can enjoy a measure of freedom without it becoming the Steve McQueen of the rabbit world again.

Incidentally, for Mark's benefit, I'd like to announce the birth of our 13th grandchild, a boy named Evan. This does of course mean that in a while I'll be able turn out a Rugby League team. I am insisting, however, that no further grandchildren be produced. If it turned out that we had enough for a Rugby Union team, I don't know where I'd be able to hide my face!


At 10:29 pm, Blogger Mark said...

Congratulations on the capture of your rabbit, very nice cooked in a red wine sauce and served with croutons.

Congratulations also on the birth of your grandson. Of course he could play the girl's game, but I'm sure he will want to test himself amongst men and join a good Rugby Union side.


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