Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Meet my newest friend. We'll call him Ratty. He appeared in my back garden this morning. Let me digress for a moment, my garden is the feeding station for many species of garden bird, and more recently, a lovely grey rabbit. He or she isn't a wild rabbit but an escapee from a garden across the street from me. The owner knows about it but doesn't seem overly concerned about it's welfare. Originally there were three rabbits, one was definitely run-over in the road outside it's garden, (the corpse was thoughtfully removed before the schoolchildren were to pass that spot), the second hasn't been seen here for about a week, I fear for it's safety.

To get back to Ratty, he decided that he liked my garden so much he should bring his brothers and sisters with him. Very soon we had four rats running all over the place much to the discomfort of my daughter, (I told her to imagine that they were squirrels with denuded tails - perhaps the result of an accident with a pencil sharpener ?). This seemed to calm her, she is after all only 33 years old. I couldn't prevent her from 'phoning the pest control office, however, and a gentleman with rodent murder on his mind will be calling tomorrow. His idea will be to feed them Warfarin and allow them to die by bleeding internally to death.

I can't help it, I feel sorry for the rats. They're only trying to make a living in a cruel world, aren't they ? I know, I know, they carry all sorts of awful diseases, they will certainly take the eggs of, and kill the young of the birds I assiduously feed through the winter, they may even break into my shed.

Hang on though, don't the local young thugs do all of the above ?


At 1:49 pm, Blogger Mark said...

They say in London that you are never more than 6 feet from a rat, - even at the tops of buildings! We recently had mice in the house and we got a gizmo you plug into a socket that sets up a sound wave that mice find disturbing, and so go else where. Unfortunately, it was to our neighbours, but they go the same thing and now thay appear gone for good.

We don't seem to have a problem with rats, as the neighbourhood cats tend to use our garden as a comunal toilet. I think I would prefer the rats!

Being a softy maybe ok, but just be aware they can breed like, well rats!


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