Friday, September 16, 2005

Why so long?

Today, September 16th, a gang of criminals received sentences, averaging 8 years each, for their parts in an attempted armed robbery of gold bullion at Heathrow. They were actually caught in the act by armed police who had been tipped off. "What's the problem? I fancy I hear you mutter. "Nothing," is my reply, except that the offence which 7 out of the 8 men pleaded guilty to occurred in May, 2004.

My question is, quite simply, why did it take the English legal system, (Scotland has it's own), so long to bring the case to court? Basking in my admitted ignorance, I would have thought that the 7 men who admitted their guilt, could have been brought before a court for sentencing a few months after their arrest, not have to wait for 16 months

Or is that just too simple?


At 5:35 pm, Blogger Mark said...

Hi, nice to see you back. In answer to your question; you do have to let the 'poor' barristers to earn a decent bob or two!

At 6:08 pm, Blogger Eddie said...

Hi Mark,
Well I know the lawyers have to have their kilo of flesh,(notice I've not just metricated the Shakespearian saying, I've also very cleverly taken inflation into account), but I still don't understand what the long delay achieves.
I wonder if it is an unavoidable part of the legal system or whether it's there for a specific reason like, for instance, allowing the press time to "cool off" from their frenzied first reporting?



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