Bleeding Heart
I wouldn't normally respond to an anonymous comment to one of my blogs.
This time I will make an exception.
The blog in question was my last one about the execution of Clarence Ray Allan, a 76 year old, legally blind and infirm Californian murderer(?).
Here is the comment, I've had to edit it for grammar, of course;
"Reading your blog made me feel sick.
In my opinion you are a left wing, bleeding heart, liberal.
Get real, why don't you look at the following websites;
Just 2 points "Anonymous";
(1) I've read the first 2 articles, (the 3rd link didn't lead anywhere), and nothing in them would want me to change my mind.
(2) Yes, I am a left-wing, bleeding heart, liberal, and proud of it, as are all the human beings, past and present, that I respect; Ghandi, Albert Schwiezer, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Florence Nightingale, Peter Benenson, the list goes on and on.
These are people who tried to do their utmost for their fellow human beings. Surely these are people who should be respected, unlike the warmongers, arms dealers and "profit above all" merchants who make up the hard-headed right?
I have never agreed with the use of the death penalty. I'm not going to repeat all the arguments, for and against, here but I do like to point out the obvious answer to those who say it is a deterrent against murder, "Why do you have to keep executing people?" - think about it.
That is of course if people like "Anonymous" are capable of rational thought.
Well said.
Sorry I've not been around much lately, - so very important real rugby has been distracting me, - you know, the fifteen man a side game that doesn't stop for a tea break after every tackle!
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