Friday, May 19, 2006

Cause for Concern? - The Answer

Yesterday I wondered whether my daughter had done the right thing by allowing my grandson to have a motor-scooter. I hoped he would have as much fun on his bike as I had on mine, all those years ago. Unfortunately, as you can see from the photograph, the answer was a resounding NO. A mere 5 hours after taking delivery of his brand -spanking new Yamaha he crashed it. In fact, in the opinion of a motor-bike mechanic, he's completely written it off. At least he wasn't hurt, other than a few scratches and bruises but, of course, he maintains it wasn't his fault. So at least his ego is still as massive as ever!

5 hours driving for £2000. I think another wee dram is in order.


At 7:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Che robas....

At 11:11 am, Blogger Mark said...

Glad everyone's OK. Motorbikes are much more stble than scooters.

At 7:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come no more blogs since may


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